Friday 4 July 2014

3 Weeks In....

So three weeks in... 

The world cup is on so seriously impacting any job hunting expeditions. I was fully prepared to give myself two weeks break to get the know the lay of the land and to do some networking but three weeks in and I have only begun to make a stab at the job hunting process....but hey ho, the world cup is only on every 4 years and who know where we'll be for the next one! Plus - I won €140 bucks on the Brazil v Columbia match tonight so happy days right?!

Despite this stop/start foray into Toronto living I have come to these realizations -

Everyone will harp on about getting a job straight away (messages from our home friends "have you got a job yet?" - It's OK, they don't understand) but I've found that it is just as important if not more so (and I really stress that) to make new friends and connections, to create a support network for yourself.

I was so lucky to have met three lovely girls, who are all in the same boat, trying to find their feet and of course jobs. I met these girls at the Irish Canadian Immigration Center seminar for new arrivals run by Gerry O'Connor who you can find Here

After the seminar we went for coffee - OK drinks - but we've stuck ever since and over the week have made real friendships, supporting each other over the mundane tasks, the highs and lows. I cannot stress how much this has helped the transition and made me feel at home, and I know to the other girls too. 

We are not working (obvs!!) so meet up when ever our paths allow (between sorting out accommodation, agency interviews, house setup etc. at sporadic coffee/cocktail meetups) to discuss our progress and vent our frustrations or worries. Its was just really great to know that I'm not behind and I'm having similar struggles/concerns as everyone else. 

As i mentioned the world cup is stalling the ball to my job hunting progress but I really have to stress that - the job hunt/setting up process takes time!! So do not beat yourself up over days where you feel you're not making any progress. You may feel like this but spending your time over setting up your home, room, resume, cover letters and above all else putting yourself out there is time well spent in the end as it will make you feel more at home and more confident! And you never know, that new person just may have a contact that will land you your new job too!

And if you can afford it - why not take the time to enjoy a little holiday first to enjoy this fab city and summer weather before you get stick into work!

Here are my highlights of the week: 

  • Cementing my bond with my Irish girlfriends and extending our network.
  • World pride parade
  • Getting a call for my first Canadian interview
  • Going to tag rugby run by an Irish gang - found here
  • Celebrating my first Canadian day!!
  • Getting to know my new roomie.
  • Trip to IKEA. 

Pix to follow.....

My lovely Irish Lassies

Irish Ladies at Pride 

Pride Parade <3

Pride Parade

Canada Day - CN Tower! 

Canada Day!